Our pledge on
#climate | #climatechange
Our pledge is to be net-zero from day one. And forever.
Our approach to the climate
We are a small, young company, able to control and influence our impact on the planet. As we continue to grow, we will be open, transparent and accountable, taking action to maintain and demonstrate our net-zero status.
Our own emissions
- As a small company of home-workers in the education and technology sector we don't directly create any emissions.
- All of our employees work from offices that are powered and heated largely by solar and our energy tariffs are 100% renewables based (currently 'supergreen' from Octopus).
- We are and always will be paperless.
- We will always think carefully about our suppliers, using local and sustainable providers wherever possible.
- For any unavoidable in person meetings, wherever possible, we use electric vehicles charged from solar, or public transport.
- Additional office space will always be super-low emission.
- We offset the carbon costs of all journeys and meetings
We pledge to calculate our footprint annually and offset our remaining emissions completely.
Our value chain emissions
For us, our value chain emissions are really important and hard to estimate. We use a lot of cloud technology in our work and so are mindful of the hidden impact this has. We include this in our footprint and offsetting calculations. Wherever possible we pledge to use suppliers who share are pledged to net-zero and to use their tools in a way that minimises emissions.
We do not commute to offices and our courses are online by default to minimise the impact of attendees travel.

Climate integration in business strategy
When conducting business we will always consider the impact this has the planet. Our strategies and business plans will consider and measure our carbon footprint, From the end of our first year of trading, we will report at least annually on our progress against our goal to remain net zero from day one.
We pledge to calculate our footprint annually and offset our remaining emissions completely.
We will only partner with others who share our vision around climate health and will choose our opportunities based on their positive impact on the planet.
We pledge to calculate our footprint annually and offset our remaining emissions completely.
We will only partner with others who share our vision around climate health and will choose our opportunities based on their positive impact on the planet.
Climate influence and action in society
We will use our activities, status and influence for positive change and promotion of net-zero.
Employee recruitment, induction and continuing professional development will always educate staff on the importance to us of our impact on the climate.
We want to be seen a leader in sustainable small business development.
We will join pledges where that helps us demonstrate commitment and contribute to the net-zero movement.
Employee recruitment, induction and continuing professional development will always educate staff on the importance to us of our impact on the climate.
We want to be seen a leader in sustainable small business development.
We will join pledges where that helps us demonstrate commitment and contribute to the net-zero movement.